Inspired by…Globetrotting!

Remember when Facebook “Notes” was really popular for writing journal/diary entrances, or to use for a fill-in quiz, or explain why you like a certain quote or line from a movie?

Well, I started using “Notes” when I took the plunge in 2009 and embarked on my first solo international trip abroad all the way to Buenos Aires, Argentina. I learned so much about myself during those six months in one of the most amazing places I had ever been to, and putting it all down on “digital” paper made me realize even more what a great and once in a lifetime experience I was living – although a little embarrassing when I re-read certain posts, but don’t we all have those moments!

Writing this blog is an introduction and the start to something that I think is going to be great to all who read it. Now that I’ve been living in France for a almost 3 years, I feel like I need to continue to share my experiences just like I did when I was in Argentina, only this time I want to be there to help people with travel advice, suggestions when traveling to certain countries, travel itineraries, links to certain sites, etc. But! Not limited only to those options (i.e. expat life, culture, food).

In addition to travel advice, I want to inspire people, as the name of my blog suggests, and I will dedicate each blog to something that I am inspired by at the moment. I would love to hear from my readers as well, so please leave me comments and questions at the bottom of this post.

Stay tuned for future posts about my past trips in South America and my most recent trips around Europe!

Thanks for reading!


Go Get Inspired By…Quote: “What’s interesting is watching a person break through the limited perceptions of themselves…”   ~RuPaul Charles~

Disclaimer: ALL pictures are taken by myself and are not to be reproduced without my knowledge and permission.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Justine Leffler says:

    Love the quote from RuPaul 😜

    Liked by 1 person

  2. hurtnomoreblog says:

    This is wonderful! I love this. And love the fact you travelled to Argentina solo!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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